People Analytics

"Analytics present a tremendous opportunity to help organizations understand what they don’t yet know… By identifying trends and patterns, HR professionals and management teams can make better strategic decisions about the workforce challenges that they may soon face".

HUSELID (2014)


People Analytics Strategy

Connect data with statistics models and visualization techniques to deliver knowledge as assets to make business decisions

People Analytics Maturity Model

They  are close to:

1) Nearly 70% of organizations make at least moderate use of descriptive HR analytics

2) At least half of  organizations (53%) allow leadears gain useful insights

3) At least 34% of  organizations use tools such as statistical models and machine learning to make predictions about the future

4) At least 43% of  organizations help people decide what they should do to succeed in their business endeavors

Predicting Performance

Model to predict accuracy  employee performance given parameters such as strategic goals and talent behavoirs

Strategic goals | Behavoirs: Judgment, Client Centric, Planning, Influence, Change Adoption


H0 (Model 1): The performance in strategic goals and management behaviors have equal weight (50%) to global performance evaluation of employees

H0 (Model 2) :  The behavior ratings have equal weight (20%) to determine the competency rating of the 


1) Behavoirs have more weight (71%) over strategic goals (29%) in global performance of employees

2) Into Behavoir scores Influence and Change Adoption haves less weight (~10%) than other behavoirs

Forecasting Turnover

Forecasting employee turnover with motivational variables such as:

Leadership | Engagement | Manager Experience | Work Environment |  Team Belong | Job Security | Recognition | Mentoring | Training | Health&Wellness Programmes | Promotions


H0: Motivational variables have positive impact reducing the turnover

H1:  Motivational variables have negative impact increasing the turnover



1) In [North Region] improving 10 points of Leadership's score  reduces 11 porcentual points of Turnover

2) In [North Region ] for each additional year of Manager Experience the Turnover decreses 15 porcentual points

Insights Gallery Demo | People Analytics Dashboards

Some examples of people's metrics  and data visualization

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